A FREE full-day, week-long camp for incoming 3rd-5th graders

We want to ensure that all students from any background can attend camp.
We promote equality in education.


Campers and counselors team up to tackle Jeopardy questions.


Campers compete in a math board game "Equations"
that teaches adaptability and critical thinking.


Most importantly, campers bond with each other and have fun.

Learning Through Playing

Campers learn about the humanities, mathematics, and
language through a series of different games.

  • Equations

    A board game where players solve expressions using numbers and operations, learning exponent rules, order of operations, and much more."

  • Onwords

    A word game involving grammar, spelling, and phonetics to find words that meet a list of requirements made by players.

  • Propaganda

    A game where campers learn to recognize techniques of persuasion in everyday advertisements, politics, and more.

  • Presidents

    A game that has campers learn about US Presidents' lives and their imapacts on the world.

Founded by Students, led by Students

Every part of AG is ran by students of the AG community, you can join too!