About Camp AG
Our Mission
Camp AG was created with the goal to bring a lesser known school club to those who didn't have it at their school. Many Academic Games players continue with the club through middle school and high school and it becomes a life long community for many players. Students often coach, leading to 9th graders all the way to college seniors helping teach the next generation. Since it is only at a few schools in Ann Arbor, we aim to introduce it to every corner of the city so that every kid can get the chance to try it out.
Student Founded, Student Led
Camp AG is was founded by high school students from all over Ann Arbor. Every member of staff voluntarily helped write the curriculum and teach campers. We are always looking for more volunteers to help the camp run through multiple weeks of summer. If you are interested in helping start the club at your local school, reach out! We will be there to help.
Our Board
Our current staff are always working to improve camp.